Welcome to Maisie Poppins Sleep Consultancy!
Maisie Poppins Sleep Consultancy is a unique sleep consultancy located in Bath, England with our sleep programs offered world wide. We provide a range of sleep programs to advise parents and professionals how to develop better sleep habits for their children. Our goal is to help you regain control of your child's sleep in order to achieve a better quality of life for your whole family.

Personalised Sleep

Newborn Sleep

Basics of Sleep
Sleep cycles, reasons for waking and different methods of getting back to sleep including the importance of self settling and routine.
A detailed personalised sleep plan and pack of resources to help you establish a sleep schedule.
Perfect for soon to be or new parents wanting to learn how to establish great sleep from day one.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Maisie Poppins helped my child put himself to sleep without anxiety. He's learnt to go back to sleep if he wakes, I can't thank her enough”
— Katie - Mum of 8 year old
Contact us
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you get a better night’s sleep, please contact us for a 15 minute free consultation using the form below.
Maisie Poppins
Bath, England, United Kingdom